
Grape Creek ISD - Grape Creek Middle School

Written by Lee Lewis | Dec 25, 2023 4:47:00 PM

The Grape Creek ISD Middle School, which serves 6th–8th grades, was made possible by the 2018 bond and is designed to accommodate future growth of up to 350 students. The new middle school is connected to the high school building on its south side and shares the band hall, cafeteria, and gymnasium with the high school. It features 21 classrooms, science labs, a library, an administrative area, a greenhouse, a new parking lot, and landscaping. Before the new middle school was constructed, the middle school students shared a building with the elementary school. With the construction of this new middle school, the district alleviated the crowding of its elementary and middle school campuses, removed the portable buildings, and allowed the Intermediate students (grades 3-5) to use the middle school space.


See all Grape Creek ISD projects.